




首页>>新闻中心 济南复合板厂:复合板材的优势是什么?





来源:http://www.jnjgcg.com/ 日期:2024-05-24 发布人:


1. Composite materials have higher specific strength and stiffness. The strength of a material divided by its density is called specific strength; The stiffness of a material divided by its density is called specific stiffness. These two parameters are important indicators for measuring the load-bearing capacity of materials. A higher specific strength and stiffness indicates a lighter weight of the material, while strength and stiffness are higher. This is an important requirement for materials in structural design, especially in aviation and aerospace structural design. The proportion of fiber-reinforced composite materials used in modern aircraft, missiles, and satellite structures is gradually expanding.


2. The mechanical properties of composite materials can be designed, that is, by selecting appropriate raw materials and reasonable laying forms, composite components or structures can meet the requirements of use. For example, in a certain layer form, when the material elongates in one direction under tension, the material also elongates in the direction perpendicular to the tension, which is completely different from the performance of commonly used materials. For example, by utilizing the bonding effect of composite materials, layer by layer boards are made on a flat mold, and after heating and curing, the boards automatically become the required curved boards or shells.

  3、复合材料的抗疲劳性能良好。一般金属的疲劳强度为抗拉强度的40 ~50%,而某些复合材料可高达70 ~ 80%。复合材料的疲劳断裂是从基体开始,逐渐扩展到纤维和基体的界面上,没有突发性的变化。因此,复合材料在破坏前有预兆,可以检查和补救。纤维复合材料还具有较好的抗声振疲劳性能。用复合材料制成的直升飞机旋翼,其疲劳寿命比用金属的长数倍。


3. The fatigue resistance of composite materials is good. The fatigue strength of general metals is 40-50% of the tensile strength, while some composite materials can reach up to 70-80%. The fatigue fracture of composite materials starts from the matrix and gradually extends to the interface between fibers and matrix, without any sudden changes. Therefore, composite materials have premonitions before failure, which can be checked and remedied. Fiber composite materials also have good anti acoustic vibration fatigue performance. The fatigue life of helicopter rotors made of composite materials is several times longer than that of metals.


4. The vibration reduction performance of composite materials is good. The damping at the interface between fibers and matrix in fiber composite materials is relatively high, thus exhibiting good vibration reduction performance. Using two types of beams of the same shape and size for vibration tests, the vibration attenuation time of carbon fiber composite beams is much shorter than that of light metal beams.


5. Composite materials are usually resistant to high temperatures. At high temperatures, metals reinforced with carbon or boron fibers have much higher strength and stiffness than the original metal. Ordinary aluminum alloys have a significant decrease in elastic modulus and strength at 400 ° C. However, at the same temperature, the strength and elastic modulus of aluminum alloys reinforced with carbon or boron fibers remain basically unchanged. The thermal conductivity of composite materials is generally small, so their warm time and ultra-high temperature resistance performance is relatively good.


6. Composite materials have good safety. There are thousands of independent fibers in the matrix of fiber-reinforced composite materials. When a component made of this material is overloaded and has a small amount of fiber fracture, the load will quickly redistribute and transfer to the undamaged fibers, so the entire component will not lose its bearing capacity in a short period of time.

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The above is an introduction to Jinan Composite Board Factory. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://www.jnjgcg.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!


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