









来源:http://www.jnjgcg.com/ 日期:2024-05-15 发布人:


Color steel plate is a type of building material made from steel plates through a series of processing techniques. It has the advantages of colorful, diverse shapes, high strength, corrosion resistance, fire prevention, sound insulation, and insulation. According to different production processes and uses, color steel plates can be divided into the following types:

  1. 彩涂钢板:是将有机涂料涂在冷轧钢板表面制成的,具有丰富的颜色和外观效果,广泛用于建筑和家具等领域。

1. Color coated steel plate: It is made by coating organic paint on the surface of cold-rolled steel plate, with rich colors and appearance effects, and is widely used in fields such as architecture and furniture.

  2. 镀锌彩钢板:是在钢板表面镀一层锌制成的材料,具有防腐蚀、耐候性强等特点,常用于屋面、墙面等建筑用途。

2. Galvanized color steel plate: It is a material made by coating a layer of zinc on the surface of the steel plate, which has characteristics such as corrosion resistance and strong weather resistance. It is commonly used for building purposes such as roofs and walls.

  3. 铝锌彩钢板:是在冷轧钢板表面涂覆锌铝合金之后再涂上彩色有机涂料的材料,具有颜色持久、外观效果好、耐候性强等特点,用于建筑、汽车、电器等领域。


3. Aluminum zinc color steel plate: It is a material that is coated with zinc aluminum alloy on the surface of cold-rolled steel plate and then coated with colored organic paint. It has the characteristics of long-lasting color, good appearance effect, and strong weather resistance, and is used in fields such as construction, automotive, and electrical appliances.

  4. 聚氨酯彩钢板:是将发泡聚氨酯中间层与两片钢板加压复合制成的双面彩钢板,具有保温、隔音、防火等特点,常用于屋面、墙面、冷库等领域。

4. Polyurethane color steel plate: It is a double-sided color steel plate made by laminating the foam polyurethane intermediate layer with two steel plates under pressure. It has the characteristics of insulation, sound insulation, fire prevention, and is commonly used in fields such as roofs, walls, and cold storage.

  5. 无机纤维彩钢板:是指在钢板表面覆盖无机纤维材料制成的材料,具有防水、防腐蚀、隔热、隔音等特点,用于建筑、隔断等领域。

5. Inorganic fiber color steel plate: refers to a material made by covering the surface of the steel plate with inorganic fiber materials, which has the characteristics of waterproofing, anti-corrosion, thermal insulation, sound insulation, etc., and is used in the fields of construction, partition, etc.

以上就是有关 济南彩钢板 的介绍,想了解更多的内容请点击:http://www.jnjgcg.com 我们将会全心全意为您提供满分服务,欢迎您的来电!

The above is an introduction to Jinan Color Steel Plate. To learn more, please click: http://www.jnjgcg.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!


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