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When the plasticity of the composite plate is poor, it needs to be re annealed to eliminate stress, improve its performance, and avoid defects in subsequent production.
Adhere to the principle of re inspection of incoming materials, and the bonding condition of composite boards should be checked one by one. The focus is on transition joint flanges, etc. For composite plates made of titanium material without considering strength, continuous 100% ultrasonic testing is required within a range of 50mm around the perimeter, and other areas are subjected to 200mm distance testing. Other, 100% inspection. When drilling pipe holes at the break point, the cutting and drilling operations should be carried out from the titanium layer to the steel layer as much as possible to prevent tearing or forming cracks on the titanium steel composite plate.
When bending operations are required for pulling plates such as drum stamping heads, when the temperature is low, flame preheating should be carried out on the bent parts to prevent bubbles or cracks from occurring.
Next, let's take a look at the prevention and control methods for welding defects in the titanium steel composite plate of the latter
焊接前认真清理处理工件焊接区。环境温度低于5°C ,应用火焰预热基层钢面。
Carefully clean and handle the welding area of the workpiece before welding. If the ambient temperature is lower than 5 ° C, the base steel surface should be preheated with flame.
Welding the titanium layer requires argon gas with a purity of not less than 99.99% as the protective gas. In addition, the welding wire is not allowed to have a crack layer.
For micro cracks on the surface of the composite plate, the defects must be cleaned before repair welding. For small cracks, direct repair welding can be used.
For non adhesion found during the production and inspection process, if the area is large, the material must be replaced. If the area is small, remedial measures can be taken. The embryo bonding area should be reinforced with titanium rivets, and the number of rivets should be minimized.
For titanium steel clad plate equipment, the titanium weld processing process is stick processing, that is, remove the titanium layer within 15mm of the edge of the clad plate. First weld the steel weld, and then use 50mm wide titanium Flat noodles to completely cover the steel weld. At the same time, weld the titanium layer and protect it with argon.
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此文关键词: 济南复合板厂  

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